Symbol of a Horse in the Lottery

Symbols Lottery Bluebird and Horse

Animals often carry certain associations in humans. For example, a horse is a symbol of success and prosperity, it is strength and speed. The animal has been with man since ancient times and has acted as an indispensable assistant in many different situations. And many nations have the fact that the horse is owned only by a rich man.

And in order to bring wealth into the house, one should choose a gift horse. Often it is depicted pulling a cart full of jewels, and sometimes just coins. As for the location, it’s best that it carries something of value. In terms of colour the horse can be:

  1. Gold,
  2. White,
  3. Silver.

It is most often placed in the southern part of the house, but it is important to do it in such a way that it is not directed towards the exit, i.e. it is necessary to keep good luck. If you place the figure in the office on a desk, it will help to achieve success in working activities. And if, in addition, you hang a picture of a horse, you can greatly increase the effect of the application of the talisman.

What does the bluebird mean?

The bluebird was originally mentioned in Maurice Maeterlinck’s play of the same name. It was about the wanderings of a woodcutter who wanted to find the bluebird, because it is believed that whoever finds it will see everything and know everything. There is another variation where the lumberjack’s children were also searching and they succeeded. And due to the fact that the play became popular, this phrase started to be used very often.

There is another opinion that the blue bird is to good luck. Bluebirds are almost never seen across Europe, and if one does come across one, it is great luck.